The Dome of the Rock Prophecy holds the secret to the timeline of the End Time.
By way of introduction, let us begin with the strange and difficult numbers given in Daniel’s twelfth chapter, verses eleven and twelve. The two numbers are 1290 and 1335. Why did Daniel mention these mysterious numbers at the very end of his prophecy, and what significance do they have for us today?
As you read the entire chapter, you will find that God told Daniel that there would be 1290 years from the date that the Daily Sacrifices ended in the First Temple (Solomon’s Temple) until the Abomination that maketh Desolate is Set up. Daniel knew exactly when the Daily sacrifices ended. It was a most traumatic and tragic day in the life of all Jewish people of that day. Since the Temple was built, daily sacrifices were ALWAYS offered, until that horrible day.
Adding 1290 years from that horrific date, you will be shocked to discover that you arrive at the exact year that the Dome of the Rock Muslim Mosque was begun. I like to refer to that dour point in human History as S.A.D. The Setting up of the Abomination of Desolation (using Daniel’s terminology). What a sad day it was, indeed. And that one edifice is still a great source of contention and grief today. It sits upon the very spot where Abraham was told to offer his son, his only son, Isaac as an offering to God. It is the very spot where Ornan the Jebusite had a threshing floor, which David bought from him for the Temple site. What a glorious spot.
But to return to our timeline discussion, if you now would please be so kind as to add the next number in Daniel’s final verses (1335) to that fateful year (688) you will arrive at the year 2023. According to Daniel, Ezekiel, John the Revelator, and other Bible prophets, there will be a Third Temple in Jerusalem when Jesus returns the second time. Problem… there is no Temple in Jerusalem now, only the Dome of the Rock sits in the Temple site. The year 2023 will bring in the Third Temple, and the removal of the Dome of the Rock Mosque.
There are many in Israel today, yea, and around the world awaiting the moment when the Third Temple will be built in its proper place. Daniel has told us when that will be.
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